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3 ways to keep your office clean and hygienic this summer

During the summer months, higher temperatures can exacerbate the growth of germs and bacteria. As well as your normal office cleaning routine, here are some further ideas to ensure your workplace stays fresh and sanitary:

1. Dispose of or store food

Keeping food overnight in your office during the summer months is a recipe for disaster! Bacteria thrives in warm environments, even with air conditioning. Food can rot, smell and attract germs much quicker than during cooler months. Take leftover food home or store it overnight in the office fridge so it can be consumed the next day.

2. Promote personal hygiene

As the heat outside increases, so too does your body temperature. Encourage employees to practice good personal hygiene. Provide hand sanitisers around the office, such as entrances, meeting rooms, and near communal equipment. Use informative posters to encourage handwashing properly and frequently.

3. Improve air quality

Summer heat can worsen indoor air quality, leading to discomfort and health issues. Ensure your office is well-ventilated by using air purifiers and regularly serviced air conditioning units. Open windows if you can for natural air flow. Introducing indoor plants can also help improve air quality by reducing pollutants and providing a fresher atmosphere.

By focusing on these key areas, you can maintain a clean and hygienic office environment that promotes health and wellbeing, allowing everyone to stay productive and comfortable during the summer months. And if you need further ideas, contact Excel Office Cleaning – we have lots of information to share with you.

(Image by freepik)


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